H&S information's communication methods : Verbal, Written and Graphic methods and Broadcasting ways


H&S information's communication methods : Verbal, Written and Graphic methods and Broadcasting ways

Effective communication is very important at workplace for successful implementation of OHSMS .

We can classify the

  • Verbal communication.
  • Written communication.
  • Graphic communication.
  • Signal Communication ( Alarm and Crane signal)

What are the benefits of Verbal communication

  • One to one (Personal);
  • Quick and time saving;
  • Direct communication;
  • Allows for checking of the understanding;
  • Allows for quick feedback/ Share views can be done; (It is quick in obtaining feedback once delivered.)
  • Emphasis can be given by body gestures, expressions(non-verbal communication);
  • Useful in difficulty / secrecy (more reliable communication);
  • Smaller size of group/ individual- effective for uneducated or illiterate persons;
  • It is flexible and effective for all.
  • Sometimes, it is cheaper way of communication and hence saves money.
  • It is powerful means of persuation and control.

Examples of verbal communication:

Presentations, speeches  etc. are formal verbal communication types

•  Indirect Conversations etc. are informal verbal communication types

Limitation of verbal communication

  • Language barrier may exist;- English is not first language
  • Individual may forget information;
  • Limited to number of peoples;
  • Jargon may not understood;
  • Strong accent or dialect may interface; (difference in pronunciations)
  • Background noise may interrupt;
  • Message may be ambiguous (Confused speech);
  • No written record for proof / reference; (It has no legal validity and hence will lead to problems in certain situations.)
  • Poor transmission quality( interference) in telephone or in PA(Public Address)  system;
  • Recipient may have hearing impairment (i.e. impaired hearing) and Speaker may have stammering problem.
  • Not suitable for lengthy message.

Note: Jargon: specialized language of a professional or occupational group/ technical terminology, e.g., HIRA-Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment / FFE- Fire fighting Equipment / RACE- Rescue, Alarm, Contain and evacuate / PASS-Pull Aim squeeze swipe

Methods(examples ) of verbal communication which are commonly used in the workplace:

  • During training sessions;
  • Induction Training
  • At Departmental safety meetings;- e.g. Communicate Risk Assessment for uneducated worker
  • H&S Committee meeting
  • Personal conversation related to H&S;
  • Tool box talk (TBT);
  • PEP Talk (preparatory Talk)
  • Town Hall meeting
  • Communication over telephone;
  • Public address (PA) systems.
  • Team briefings
  • Group Discussions
  • Direct Speech

Learning Outcome : Question: Give reasons why a verbal instruction may not be clearly understood by a site operative.

Answer: The verbal instruction may not be clearly understood by a site operative:

• Due to noise and distractions, site operatives are unable to clearly hear what is being said.

• Due to the use of technical jargon , the site operative may misunderstand the information being communicated.

• Due to the complexity of the information , site operatives are turning their minds off and not listening as they do not understand what is trying to be communicated.

Language / dialect barriers are a big problem in some regions, both for the communicator and the receiver.

Due to sensory impairment - for example, a site operative having a hearing deficiency or the communicator having a serious stammer.

• Due to mental difficulty, the site operative  is not capable of absorbing information to any extent.

• Due to a lack of attention by the site operative.

• Due to the inexperience of persons not used to having to receive information at work, i.e., young workers (site operatives).

Lengthy communication chains may be a problem.

What are the Benefits / Merits/Advantages  of Written communication:

  • It is form of Permanent records
  • It Can be referred –for references/ information ( can be used as legal document.)
  • It is Written carefully to avoid use of “JARGON”
  • There is No ambiguity  and abbreviation
  • It Can be communicated to wide audience  - It is Quicker , faster and cheaper
  • More information can be covered ( suitable for sending statistical data, chart, diagram etc.)
  • Uniformity in communication can be maintained
  • Less distortion possibility
  • Easy to preserve for longer duration

Limitation of written communication:

  • Indirect  communication (no personal);
  • Takes time to write;
  • Increased paper work ( extra record –keeping),
  • May contain “JARGON” and abbreviation (acronym);
  • Can be impersonal;
  • Message may be ambiguous;
  • Language barrier- Recipient may not able to read; (Not suitable for illiterate person)
  • Immediate feedback can’t be taken or given;
  • Impaired vision of receiver.
  • Chances of leaking confidential information/ secret
  • Less flexible and can not be changed later on and competency required for effective communication.
  • Not effective for emergency communication like Fire incident.
  • Expensive ( require resources like pen/ paper/ computer etc.)

Methods (examples) of Written  Communication

It requires the use of written words:

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  • Reports
  • Example - - Investigation report ,
  • Example -- -Inspection report ,
  • Example- - - Audit report
  • Memo(Inter Office Memo),
  • HSE notices ,
  • HSE Circulars,
  • Contract Documents (Tender Documents)
  • Email,
  • Fax,
  • Illustrations ( e.g. data statics )
  • Policy documents,
  • Company Letter head,
  • Checklists,
  • Check sheets
  • Risk assessment
  • HIRA ,
  • Safe Procedures
  • JSA (Job Safety Analysis)
  • JHA (Job hazards Analysis)
  • PTW (Permit to Work)
  • SSW (Safe System of work)
  • Methods Statement
  • SOP
  • Job description
  • Minutes of meeting (MoM) ,
  • Safety Bulletins
  • Worker handbooks (Employee's handbook),
  • Legal documents ,
  • CoPs (Code of Practices)
  • Employers’ Liability Insurance ,
  • Instructions sheets,
  • Guidance Documents
  • Any other specific written documents

Benefits/ Merits of Graphic communication

  • It is Visual;
  • It is Eye catching;
  • It has No language barrier;
  • It is Quick to interpret and understanding;
  • It is Jargon Free;
  • It Convey message to wider group of audience.

Limitation of Graphic Communication

  • It Can only convey simple message at a time;
  • it Might be expensive to create/produce/buy;
  • it May not be looked at / overlooked;
  • Symbols or photo may not be known to all;
  • No immediate feedback given or taken;
  • Impaired vision of receiver;
  • It is not quickly delivered;
  • it is a Indirect way of communication;
  • Time taking to display all location – Signage.

Methods (examples) of Graphic communication:

Graphic communication can be done by following ways :

  • Use of drawings,
  • Photographs
  • Videos & DVDs,
  • Images,
  • Posters ,
  • Banners,
  • Safety Signage’s
  • Digital Display Boards

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Broadcasting Methods:

There are various broadcasting methods available to provide the H&S information.

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Sometimes the communication can be divided into two categories: i.e. communication and informal communication.

what is meant by formal communication?

Formal communication is the exchange of official information between people within the same organization who are often at different levels within the organizational hierarchy.

what is meant by informal communication?

  • Informal communication refers to the communication that flows without following the formal defined path.
  • An informal communication system is also known as grapevine.
  • Under informal communication, a piece of information flows in all directions without paying any heed to the level or authority.

The basic difference is between formal and informal communication.

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Factors making Notice boards Effective:

Information displayed on notice board can be made more effective by following ways :

  • Well positioned at workplace;
  • Current and updated information;
  • Relevant information;
  • Tidily displayed;
  • Eye catching;
  • Located in areas which used by all workers; (Example- Restroom/entry / exit / common meeting room or gathering area )
  • Regular Reviews.

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What are the Limitation of H&S Notice Board?

  • It is Not well positioned (Located in isolated areas) ;
  • Has Outdated information;
  • The Information not related to H&S;
  • It is Covered by other object;
  • It is Not properly maintained ;
  • There is No adequate lighting to read;
  • Language barrier.

What are the information may be displayed on the notices boards?

Following important contains may include in notice boards:

  • H&S policy
  • Employer liability insurance certificate
  • Emergency procedures
  • Safe Assembly point
  • emergency exit plan- - - - - - - Contact details of Emergency response team (e.g. Fire warden contact details)
  • Information of First Aiders ( e.g. internal Contact numbers , hospital info)
  • Minutes of Meeting (MoM) of  safety committee meetings
  • Safety awareness information’s
  • Accident statistics
  • Award and recognition – Best employee / best department towards safety implementation
  • Details of H&S targets and performance against them;
  • Latest training updates and training calendar, (training matrix )related to H&S
  • Learning from Incident report (Lesson Learning)
  • Internal or External Audit outcome report
  • Latest information related to H&S from external authority e.g. HSE
  • Safety Alerts
  • Any other important Guidance / Rules / Regulations

Poster :

Posters are used in organizations to provide safety information / draw attention to H&S culture .

For examples :

  • Fire related posters.
  • hazards posters
  • electrical posters
  • first aid posters
  • CPR posters (Cardio pulmonary Resuscitation)
  • emergency posters

Benefits of Posters at the Workplace:

  • Graphics/photo – No language barriers
  • Eye catching – Interesting
  • Low cost-more effective
  • Reinforce key message and communication

Limitations of Posters:

  • Can be part of surrounding- Lack of attention
  • May be defaced -covered by another cover during cleaning of site or hidden by other banners etc.
  • Cannot  deliver important message / issues
  • Unable to interpret the actual message from display

H&S Films and Movies is also used for broadcasting information.

H&S Videos is also used for broadcasting information.

H&S Presentation (PPT) is also used for broadcasting information.

Mainly used for conducting training / awareness among more workers and audiences, which may be informative and interesting for the audiences.

What are the common barriers to effective communication?

There will always be times when there are barriers to effective communication, no matter which format is being used. This can be as a result of:

  • Conflict among workers;
  • Complaints from stakeholders or customers;
  • Harassment or bullying in the workplace;
  • Difficulties over resource allocation;
  • Time pressures from targets or high productivity expectations;
  • Lack of understanding or knowledge;
  • Poor consultation or communication between management and workers;
  • Lack of interest by either or both parties;
  • Being unprepared;
  • Not listening or being listened to;
  • Too much or too little information;
  • Too much technical information or jargon for the target audience;
  • Environmental factors such as noise, cultural, linguistic, disability or physical barriers like a table or desk;
  • Inappropriate body language.( e.g. Angry mode)
  • etc.

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