ISO 45001: 2018- Occupational Health and Safety Management system - An introduction


ISO 45001: 2018- Occupational Health and Safety Management system - An introduction

ISO 45001: 2018 :

Name of the Clauses

  • Scope ( clause 1)
  • Normative References ( clause 2)-  no reference
  • Terms & Definitions ( clause 3)
  • Context of the Organization (clause 4)
  • Leadership and Worker Participation (clause 5)
  • Planning (Clause 6)
  • Support ( clause 7)
  • Operation (clause 8)
  • Performance Evaluation (clause 9)
  • Improvement (clause10)

Context of Organization (clause 4):

  • It is the understanding the organization and its context.  The organization shall determine external and internal issues that are relevant to its purpose and that affect its ability to achieve the intended outcome(s) of its OH&SMS.
  • An understanding of the context of an organization is used to establish, implement, maintain and continually improve its OH&SMS.
  • It is the understanding the organization and its context.  The organization shall determine external and internal issues that are relevant to its purpose and that affect its ability to achieve the intended outcome(s) of its OH&SMS.
  • An understanding of the context of an organization is used to establish, implement, maintain and continually improve its OH&SMS.
  • Internal and external issues can be positive or
  • negative and include conditions, characteristics or changing circumstances that can affect the OH&SMS.

External & Internal Issues (clause 4)

  • External Context Issues ( organization have no control )
  • Cultural, political,
  • Economic and legal issues,
  • Natural surroundings and market competition,
  • New competitors, technologies,
  • Laws and occupations.
  • Internal Context Issues ( under control of the organization )
  • Organizational structure,
  • Roles, accountabilities,
  • Capabilities and organizational culture,
  • Information systems,
  • Flows and decision-making.

ISO 45001 Leadership & Worker Participation (clause 5) :

Top   management   shall   demonstrate   leadership   and   commitment   with   respect   to   the   OH&SMS  by:

  • Taking overall responsibility and accountability for the prevention of work-related injury and ill health, as well as the provision of safe and healthy workplaces and activities;
  • Ensuring that the OH&S policy and related OH&S objectives are established and are compatible with the strategic direction of the organization;
  • Ensuring the integration of the OH&SMS requirements into the organization’s business processes;
  • Ensuring that the resources needed to establish, implement, maintain and improve the OH&SMS are available;
  • Communicating the importance of effective OH&S management and of conforming to the OH&SMS  requirements.
  • Ensuring that the OH&SMS achieves its intended outcome(s);
  • Directing and supporting persons to contribute to the effectiveness of the OH&SMS;
  • Ensuring and promoting continual improvement;
  • Supporting other relevant management roles to demonstrate their leadership as it applies to their areas of responsibility;
  • Developing,  leading  and  promoting  a  culture  in  the  organization  that  supports  the  intended outcomes of the OH&SMS;
  • Protecting workers from reprisals when reporting incidents, hazards, risks and opportunities;
  • Ensuring  the  organization  establishes  and  implements  a  process(es)  for  consultation  and participation of workers ;
  • Supporting the establishment and functioning of health and safety committees.

Worker Consultation & participation (clause 5)

The organization shall establish, implement and maintain a process(es) for consultation and participation of workers at all applicable levels and functions, and, where they exist, workers’ representatives, in the development, planning, implementation, performance evaluation and actions for improvement of the OH&SMS.

The organisation should ensure that processes for consultation and participation of workers include contractors and other interested parties, e.g. people working in parts of the organization not covered by the management system, carrying out work under the organization’s control, where relevant.

This can include, for example, consultation with contractors on issues such as dealing with hazards which might be new or unfamiliar to them.

Typical activities that workers can participate in include the following (clause 5):

  • Identifying hazards and assessing risks and opportunities;
  • Determining actions to eliminate hazards and reduce OHS risks;
  • Determining competence requirements and conducting training needs analysis;
  • Determining what needs to be communicated and how this will be done;
  • Determining control measures and their effective implementation and use;
  • Investigating incidents and nonconformities and determining corrective actions;
  • Developing and reviewing of OHS policies and objectives;
  • Developing new or improved OHS arrangements and procedures.

When considering the need for consultation, ensure your organization takes account of the following factors:

  • New or unfamiliar hazards (including those that might be introduced by contractors);
  • Reorganization;
  • New processes, procedures or work patterns;
  • The construction, modification or change of use of buildings and facilities;
  • The introduction of new or modified equipment;
  • New or amended controls;
  • The use of new chemicals or materials;
  • Changes in emergency arrangements;
  • Changes in legal and/or other requirements;

What are the topics can be included for consultation with workers?

  • Determining the needs and expectations of interested parties;
  • Establishing the OHS policy;
  • Assigning organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities as applicable;
  • Determining how to fulfil legal and other requirements;
  • Establishing OHS objectives and planning to achieve them;
  • Determining applicable controls for outsourcing, procurement and contractors;
  • Determining what needs to be monitored, measured and evaluated;
  • Planning, establishing, implementing and maintaining an audit programme;
  • Ensuring continual improvement.

Why should Employer/Organisation consult employees on H&S?

Consulting with employees can have real benefits for your business, including:

  • increased productivity
  • higher levels of workforce motivation
  • a healthier and safer workplace
  • better decisions about H&S
  • a stronger commitment to implementing decisions or actions
  • greater co-operation and trust
  • joint problem-solving


ISO 45001 -Worker Participation (clause 5.4.e)

Emphasize the participation of non-managerial workers in the following:

  1. Determining the mechanisms for their consultation and participation;
  2. Identifying hazards and assessing risks and opportunities;
  3. Determining actions to eliminate hazards and reduce OH&S risks;
  4. Determining competence requirements, training needs, training and evaluating training;
  5. Determining what needs to be communicated and how this will be done;
  6. Determining   control   measures   and   their   effective implementation   and   use;
  7. Investigating incidents and nonconformities and determining corrective actions.

ISO 45001 Planning (clause 6)

  • In the planning of the OH&SMS, risks and opportunities are determined and assessed.
  • Based on risks and opportunities, OH&S objectives are established.
  • Organization develops processes necessary to deliver intended result that is compliant with OH&S policy.
  • Examples:
  • Planning of Risk Assessment ,
  • Planning of emergency procedures ,
  • Planning to achieve Policy targets.

ISO45001- Do: Support ( clause 7)

  • The “Support ” part help to implements the  operational controls and processes identified in plan phase of OHSMS .
  • This “Support ” part varies with the organizational size and processes.

Example :

  • Resources ,
  • competency ,
  • Awareness,
  • Communication. ( Internal  & External Communication)
  • Documented Information ( Creating, updating & Controlling the information, review )

ISO45001 - Operation ( clause 8)

“Operation” part is the  Operational planning and control of the processes need to be established, implemented as necessary to enhance OHS based on the Risks and  hazards involved.

Example: by eliminating the hazard or reducing the risks

Examples of operational control of the processes include:

  • The use of procedures and systems of work;
  • Establishing preventive or predictive maintenance and inspection programmes;
  • Specifications for the procurement of goods and services;
  • Application of legal requirements and other requirements, or manufacturers’ instructions for equipment;
  • Engineering and administrative controls;
  • Adapting work to workers.
  • Emergency Prepardness and response

ISO 45001 - Performance Evaluation (Clause -9)

  • In the “Performance Evaluation” part, organization monitor, measure, analysis and does performance evaluation against the set policy’s  objectives and targets. E.g.- Evaluation of compliances

Examples :

  • Active monitoring (Audit – (Internal &  External Audits))
  • Management reviews are also part of the check phase of the management system.
  • H&S Performance monitoring

ISO 45001 - Improvement ( clause 10)

  • In  “Improvement ” part ,   results and outputs of management reviews, corrective actions on nonconformity, and other measures are taken in order to continually improve the performance of OHSMS;
  • The cycle is again repeated in terms of reassessment of risks and opportunities, and accordingly identification of new or modified processes for change in risks or opportunities;
  • Incident ( Accident investigation analysis), nonconformity and corrective action
  • Continual improvement

Benefits of achieving ISO 45001 Certification

(Benefits of having formal / certified OHSMS)

An effective & certified  OHSMS provide following benefits :

  • Helps to prevent the Accident, injuries and Fatality at workplace (increased protection of the workforce) ( Comprehensive preventive approach)
  • ISO-45001 will help to reduce the repeat of accidents/ incidents.
  • Improve the visible Leadership at workplace
  • Minimize  the risks of production delays.
  • Provides a safe environment to do business.
  • Demonstrates management commitment to maintain an effective H&S policy. (Leadership commitment)
  • Helps to improve the management committment
  • Makes organization more efficient (Operational Control).
  • Maintain & meet legal requirements (OHS & other regulatory Compliances) .
  • ISO45001 will help to prevent things like the formal order ( e.g. prohibition notices etc.)

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