Tips for NEBOSH IGC Exam


Tips for NEBOSH IGC Exam

Disclaimer : These are Author author's own views and do not relate to NEBOSH's official guidelines.

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Revision before the Exam : Keep handy the following resources :

I will recommend reviewing the study material two times a day until the examination date.

  • Nebosh Syllabus Guide,
  • Previous Question OBE (Revision), Answer sheets (previous)
  • Study Book (Element1 to Element4)
  • PPT (E1 to E4)- revision
  • Other study books like Phill Huges or any other Study book.
  • Self Task which is reviewed by the Tutor+ Some previous answer key
  • Visit these websites for in depth understanding ,
  • Excel list of keyword , if developed by the learner( if someone having)
  • Highest Priority- Some topic already came into exam ( it may repeat again)
  • Still some topics are not touched by the Nebosh.----- So , 100% revision required.

Important Information: Remove yourself from any scammer WhatsApp group, Telegram group, Facebook group, or any other social media group to avoid being accused of malpractice. And do not post anything before the exam , during the exam and after the exam .

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Nebosh IGC Examination Tips (All guidelines are personal, and the author does not force anyone to follow them.):

  • Read the Scenario thoroughly 3-4 times in Active Mode.
  • Interpret the Task/Question minutely. (Read the question carefully 2-3 times.)
  • Mark the question with Element number on the Question which is mapped to Syllabus.
  • List all relevant Keywords /Element Number for each Task from available Study Material.
  • Link the Keyword/Key-concept/Technical-Point with justification to Scenario
  • Word Count must be 1:35 (For 1 marks write 35 words approximately.)
  • Keyword and Mark Ratio should be at least 1:2 ( For 1 mark write 2 Keywords or so.)
  • Write maximum relevant keywords possible considering the word count limit.
  • Keep your font size between 11 or 12 and Font Type ( Arial/ Calibri/Times New Roman )
  • During answer writing, sequence of the scenario should be followed.
  • Make your sentence complete.
  • Try One or Two line answer maximum which includes Keyword+Scenario linking+ Scenario Justification.
  • Allocate approximately 1 hour for a 10 marks question .
  • Present your answer in an organized and presentable manner.
  • Always use the study material/Tutor Notes for writing the answer and scenario also should be open , so no chances of any mistake.

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Important points, tips, or inputs :

  • Never directly copy paste from any previous Learner answer script from google/social media/blogs/ you tube. (It will attract malpractice.)
  • Attempt all questions, even sometimes You do not know the answer ( as there is no negative marking).
  • Do not write in paragraph , write in small points (1-2 lines) and always linking with Scenario or Direct Answer question.
  • Explain the scenario/condition as per task/question is being asked,  without changing the Scenario wordings. ( Do not copy-paste complete scenario as it is in the Answer template.)  e.g. - (Housekeeping/Cleaning) (Risk Assessment/ Risk management)
  • Do not do paraphrasing. ( Do not use any AI tool , like Grammerly etc.)
  • Take the help of reference book/material and always use scenario linking. (Open the reference material and scenario then write answer)
  • Based on the Scenario , 100% answer to be written from the scenario and possible Keywords.
  • Write 10 to 15 points extra in all the answers. (For 10 marks question).
  • Write minimum 3300 -3400 words range for 100 marks Paper. ( Do not make bullet/list type answer.).

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First Setting Exam Room Environment:

  • no Noise
  • no TV
  • no distraction
  • no company contact
  • no social media
  • Arrange snacks (biscuit/ Namkeen / Samosa / Sweet/ water / Juice /Tea etc.
  • Give order to food delivery companies like Zomato/Swiggey
  • No food preparation who are bachelor -Please do not spend time for these activities for two days.)-Your time is very valuable during the exam hours.

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Tentative Time Table :

(8th-9th March 2023)(Wednesday and Thursday)

11AM UK Time - 4:30 PM IST - 24 Hours Exam (Kindly check your hall ticket)

Note 1: It is a proposed timetable (learners can make adjustments as per their suitability) .

Note 2: (I have assumed 10 Task in your Question Paper and each task is of 10 marks)

Basic Rule

Do not panic or become stressed; always remember that you have covered every topic , element, , previous question during your tutorial and participated in all summative and formative assessment practices.

Relax yourself, knowing that you have 24 hours to complete this OBE.

Do not think the answer will be completed within 3–4 hours. This pattern of exam requires more focus and application of knowledge, and good writing skills will take more time. This may take 10-12 hours time easily to complete your answers.

I will strongly recommend to Apply for leave from your work for two days in advance. (Exam Ist Day and IInd Day ) . Even i will not recommend to work in first half (half day working) as In India , exam will be start after noon.  (The learners who does not take leave , they are not able to spend /concentrate on Exam and passing probability reduces. )

  • Ist Day of Exam – Sleep plenty (before the exam date)  & Full rest  before 4:30 PM IST.
  • Ist Day of Exam – Before 4:30- Complete your Lunch , Breakfast , all important work finish before 3:30 , no office on Ist Day of Exam,
  • 4:30 Pm -5:00 PM (+/- 20% tolerance) - – Scenario Study /highlight( use techniques colour pencil/sketch pens/highlighter-Negative Positive points extraction technique ) / Read (Scenario Printout 2-3 copy) ( mother-tongue’s conversion, if required ) (illustration -graphic way )( similar video  related from youtube,if required, ILO/HSE etc.). Download the Answer  template , Question paper & any other file (if available e.g. HSG245 , HSG65 etc.) , immediately save with name and registration(Learner) number.

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  • ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • How to save file name:
  • (Sur Name is the Last word of your name) “
  • Sur name First Name Registration number (Learner Number- 8 digit )   Learning Partner Name "-- “
  • For Example my name is "Amit Kumar Agarwal " , My Learner number is "00789652" and Learning Partner name is "ABC Training Provider" then file name would be:
  • Example: -
  • Agarwal Amit 00789652  ABC Training Provider
  • Nebosh also explained in their video , please follow the NEBOSH guidelines.
  • ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • All hint/keyword/ bookmark/ notes/key evidence from scenario can be written for all given Task in the answer sheet.
  • Read complete question paper and write the element number/topic name/ and whatever points coming in your mind. ( be in active mode not in sleepy mode). (Keep Scenario in front of your eyes)
  • 5:00 PM  to 6:00 PM- Task 1 - First try Easy Task as per you / Small Answer (1 hour for 10 marks questions, if you write 80% answer and do not get balance points to complete that answer, jump to  next task  to save your time. Just start writing your answer -do not do overthinking ,even you feel exam paper is tough)
  • 6:00Pm to 7:00 PM- Task 2 (+/- 10%)
  • 7:00 PM to 8:00  PM- Task 3 (+/- 10%)
  • 9:00 Pm to 10:00 PM- Task 4  (+/- 10%)
  • 10:00 PM to 11:00 PM – (mandatory) –Dinner Time-Do not Skip-(+/- 10%)- as you need to work out next day . Do not eat much also. Keep provision of light snacks. Some learners burnout due to skipping of Dinner and do not get any idea next day.
  • 11:00 to 12:00 –Task 5 (+/- 10%)
  • 12:00 to 1: 00 AM- Task 6 (+/- 10%)---------minimum 70-80% Paper  (First Day - it may be partially completed)
  • 1:00 AM to 4:00/5:00 AM - Night Sleep  ( mandatory -at least take 3-4 hours sleep, adjust time as per your body requirement)(As almost 8-10 hours further you need to focus on your exam.)
  • 5:00AM to 6:00 AM- Task 7 (+/- 10%)- Strongly recommend to wake up early and start preparing your pending tasks.
  • 6:00AM to 7:00 AM- Task 8 (+/- 10%)
  • 7:00AM to 8:00 AM- Mandatory -Breakfast/ Bath/ Body Activity
  • 8:00AM to 9:00 AM - Task 9
  • 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM -Task 10 -- Paper Completed
  • 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM – Now Final Self Review (consider as  an self-examiner) – Complete the pending task, Check English –Grammar, ( Negative/positive)  Heading, Bold, Beautification(presentation) , check other parameters i.e. word limit (3300-not considering the Blank format word count-Many learner awake on exam day and say that it is mentioned 3000 words) , keep linking-Based on the scenario, special Note, complete pending answers.
  • 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM- Mandatory -Lunch break
  • 2:00 PM – upload your Answer Sheet in PDF format ( XXX Do not upload Blank answer template XXX / XXX Do not upload the Question paper upload XXX / XXX Do not upload the IG2 XXXXX /XXX Do not upload the Something else XXX ,
  • After upload –GREEN COLOR- MESSAGE FROM NEBOSH IN EMAIL may receive —before/after 4:30PM).
  • 2:00 to 4:00- Relook – if you find any error ( e.g. Task answer interchanges-Task 1 answer written in Task 2 and Task 2 answer is written in task-1), please correct your answer sheet , re-upload your revised answer sheet ( (Rename your file “Sur Name, First Name, Learner number, LP name- Revision 1”) , if required
  • 4:00 PM Final (The end) -Final Upload and now Relax.
  • If Answer sheet is not uploading -
  • Check your internet connection or any potential issue.
  • Emergency call on phone and Contact to your learning partner if you get some uploading issues only. (Kindly watch Nebosh guidelines and Answer sheet upload videos , always keep informed to your Learning partner for these issues.  )
  • Nebosh Chat option( registration/Learner number) / email ( waiting queue may be there so be patient. )-Kindly refer Nebosh website for more information or contact to your learning partner.
  • After 4:30 PM – Take rest / Do your personal / office work  (Always remember that even do not post anything on social media related to Question paper and your answers , never upload anything on social media even after declaration of result. This may attract the malpractice for the learners. )

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How to avoid various emergencies during the exam:

  1. Keep UPS connected,
  2. Keep Laptop battery  and mobile fully charge
  3. In case of Grid Failure (Electric supply failure in your area, Go to nearby Hotel/cybercafe  and use resources for completing this exam.) -Kindly inform to your Learning partner. This advice for genuine cases.
  4. Keep saving your answer’s copy in Email/ google drive or on your whatsapp, so in emergency , you can recover . Many learners do not save and think at the last they will save , and suddenly , their hard work gone (or not able to find the file ) .
  5. Keep saving your answer by using Control+S button.

We have received feedback from learners that in a moment work has gone / deleted. So please avoid repeating the history (even in every exam 1 learner will repeat history) .

How to do the word count :

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This general query was received from various friends , so i have attached the link to a word count video in Hindi that I have taken randomly from YouTube.

Link 1 :

Link 2:

If above links are not working , then use the following link:

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Important : Please watch these videos from the Nebosh Official Channel. I am posting these links for the benefit of everyone. I am thankful to NEBOSH to developing these beautiful videos for everyone.

I hope this information may help learners gain more awareness.

Kindly ensure that you have received the user id and passwords from the Nebosh and that you have changed the password.

I am sharing the link here as many learners may not notice the link, which is provided by NEBOSH .

NEBOSH Digital Assessments: Accessing the Platform related video

NEBOSH OBE: Reset your password

NEBOSH OBE: Log into the online examination platform, desktop

NEBOSH OBE: Download your examination paper, desktop

NEBOSH OBE: Upload your examination paper, desktop

NEBOSH OBE: Remove and replace your submission, desktop

All the best to every learner.

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Note :

  • It is requested from everyone, if any important point is missed or leftover, kindly inform me so i can add here and that may be beneficial for the Learners.
  • All suggestions are welcomed.

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