Employers’ Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act 1969


Employers’ Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act 1969

This is to cover the employer’s liability in the event of injuries, fatalities, and work-related ill-health to its employees and others who may be affected by their operations during accidents.

Employers’ liability insurance will enable Organization to meet the cost of compensation for your employees’ injuries or illness whether they are caused on or off site

EL insurance will help employers by paying compensation if an employee is injured or becomes ill because of the work they do for organisation.

Employers can also be fined if they do not display an EL certificate or refuse to make it available to labor inspectors when they ask.

Why Employer’s liability insurance required?

  • It is a legal requirement.
  • It ensures that, any employee, who sues his/her employer following an accident, is assured of receiving compensation irrespective of the financial position of the employer in the civil courts.
  • Employer's liability insurance covers negligence lawsuits over work-related injuries and occupational diseases.

Who will be benefited from Employer’s liability insurance?

  • Both employees and employer shall be benefited.

Is employer’s liability insurance (ELI) or public liability insurance (PLI) the same ?

No , ELI covers the compensation for your employees. PLI covers the claim made against the employer by a member of the public or any other businesses..

Reference: https://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/hse40.pdf

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